Title: Modified Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and Its Application to the Construction of Elements in the Vocational College Standard Curriculum in the Field of Refrigerant and Air Conditioning (VCSC_RAC) Based on Values to the Environment
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Md Nizam Nasir, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
This curriculum model is a value-based model of environmental sustainability built through the Vocational College Standard Curriculum of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (VCSC_RAC). Concerning that, this study proposes a Design Development Research (DDR) approach which is a multi-method development research approach. The study went through three phases and used several different research tools in each phase. The purpose of this study is to discuss the suitability of Modified NGT as a strategy to build a list of value elements for environmental sustainability through literature reading, discussion and votes to obtain the expert agreement in phase 2 of the design and development model. Only findings of phase 2 were discussed in this article. Researcher have distributed a list of developed elements for review by six experienced lecturers in the field of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) to review and evaluate the elements and whether they can be accepted or rejected to be brought to the NGT process. A total of nine informants were involved in the NGT process, namely, experts from Vocational Colleges, various educational institutions and industry sectors in the field of RAC as well as environmental experts from the Department of the Environmental (DOE), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) were involved in this NGT process. All these expertise have been selected and meet the set criteria. The findings of the study indicated that 28 constructed value elements are accepted as components in the model development.
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