Title: Technology in Education: Toward a New Student-Centered Approach
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Murielle El Hajj, Lusail University, Qatar
Hiba Harb, Lusail University, Qatar
Technology has a powerful influence on a variety of disciplines, including education. It is affecting our everyday lives at an increasing rate; thus, educators have been attempting to modernize the teaching and learning process using contemporary technology tools. Since learners need to demonstrate knowledge and skills in their disciplines in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) world, the traditional teacher-student relationship shifted to be more collaborative and student-led. Therefore, innovative teaching styles and proactive measures in education are essential to empower students and encourage them to develop an explorer mindset. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how technology is a critical component of a student-centered classroom and to uncover the innovative technological tools that create an engaging learning environment. The paper rethinks the teaching delivery techniques and strategies and proposes teaching styles and proactive methods that empower students and encourage them to become lifelong learners. It also discusses the significance to re-imagine the role of teachers to provide the students with the opportunity to develop their potential and autonomy. Furthermore, this study recommends investing in technology to reconceptualize the educational curriculum toward learning that targets not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the students’ creativity and reflective practices.
Virtual Presentation
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