Who are the Misogynists that Stigmatize Feminists in Chinese Cyberspace?

Conference: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2022)
Title: Who are the Misogynists that Stigmatize Feminists in Chinese Cyberspace?
Stream: Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Dongdong Yang, University of Connecticut, United States
Yukyung Yang, University of Connecticut, United States
Jiayun Ye, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States


Feminism has long been stigmatized for its anti-establishment nature (Baumgardner & Richards, 2020). Although social media has provided a platform for feminists to express themselves (e.g., Suk et al., 2021), misogynist volume has also been increased, especially in China, where traditional cultures relevant to Neo-Confucianism have largely shaped the patriarchy of its modern society (Lee, 2022). Unsurprisingly, Chinese feminists are frequently stigmatized as being aggressive and asking for rights without responsibilities (Hong et al., 2021). Prior research suggests that low-status men increase female-directed hostility to minimize their loss of social status resulting from women’s competitiveness (Kasumovic & Kuznekoff, 2015). This highlights the need to study the predictors of misogynists who stigmatize feminists in Chinese cyberspace. System justification theory posits that people tend to justify existing social and political arrangements (Jost et al., 2004). So, nationalism and patriarchy—characteristic of the defense of existing political and gender dynamics—should correlate. Additionally, intergroup contact helps to reduce prejudice between majority and minority groups (Allport, 1954). Drawing from these theories, the current study proposes the following hypotheses: H1-4: The stigmatization of feminists will be positively related to 1) nationalism and 2) patriarchal beliefs while negatively related to 3) life satisfaction and 4) intergroup contact with feminists. The project prospectus has been submitted for IRB approval. Data will be collected through an online survey involving 300 adults in China recruited from a survey platform, expectedly in August, 2022, with data analyses being completed in September. Data will be analyzed using multiple regressions on SPSS.

Virtual Poster Presentation

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