Title: Classroom Assessment Standards: Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Assessment Practices in the Amid of the Pandemic
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Romadhon, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Didi Sukyadi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Pupung Purnawarman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
This study investigated assessment standards conducted by EFL Indonesian secondary school teachers and how they coped with the emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. The Indonesian curriculum assessment and Brookhart's educational assessment standards were used as a research framework. An explanatory sequential research design was employed to capture the research problems holistically. First, using an online questionnaire based on Brookhart's educational assessment standards, 119 EFL teachers at junior and senior high schools who taught students in online settings during the pandemic were participated. Then, the obtained data were explored by conducting a semi-constructed interview to four selected teachers from different schools. In analyzing quantitative data, descriptive statistics was used to gain the frequency data of teachers’ assessment. Sequentially, the interviews were transcribed, categorized, and interpreted following the curriculum assessment standards as qualitative data. The findings show that EFL teachers performed most assessment practices in Brookhart's standards during the pandemic. However, through interviews, teachers admitted that they did not maximize classroom assessment mentioned in the curriculum assessment standards because the classroom situation was different and unpredictable in online learning during online learning. This study is theoretically and practically significant for implementing and evaluating classroom assessment practices amid the pandemic.
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