Indian Government’s Use of Social Media During the Russia-Ukraine War

Conference: The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2022)
Title: Indian Government’s Use of Social Media During the Russia-Ukraine War
Stream: Social Media and Communication Technology
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Nitisha Kashyap, Manipal Institute of Communication, India
Padma Rani, Manipal Institute of Communication, India


This study analyses the Indian Government's usage of Twitter during the crisis. This study looks at the Indian Government's evacuation operation of its nationals residing in Ukraine during the Russia - Ukraine war outbreak. It was one of the biggest evacuation operations by the Indian Government wherein the updates were shared live on social media handles and a dedicated helpline @opganga was also created. It considers only the verified Twitter pages of the Indian Government, along with the dedicated helpline, which was involved in the evacuation process. The study is based on Ines Mergel's proposed social media adoption tactics (2013). The aim of the study is to identify the repercussions of the usage of social media by the government and if during the crisis, the Government was able to promote openness, engagement, and collaboration through social media.

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