Title: Japanese University Students Attitudes Toward International Careers and Study Abroad During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Stream: International Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Aki Yamada, Tamagawa University, Japan
Douglas Trelfa, Tamagawa University, Japan
Yuichiro Koyama, Tamagawa University, Japan
This presentation will examine how Japanese university students view international work opportunities. Since technology, internet access, and social media play an increasing role in the lives of younger generations, we hypothesize that their views on working abroad was affected by the pandemic-induced transformation of access to information about living and working abroad, such as lost opportunities to study abroad and interact with international students but more social media time. Although some evidence suggests that global/digital nomad lifestyles were becoming more attractive to young people worldwide, previous research has suggested that young Japanese have become less globally oriented in recent years, which has implications for globalization theories while presenting challenges to Japanese policy makers who have been seeking to further internationalize Japan.
Our research methodology combines a self-administered online questionnaire using Freezee followed by additional focus group interviews. The survey included demographics, course selection, language study interest, self-reported English proficiency, social media and consumer behavior, and attitudes toward globalization. The questionnaire was administered to all 2nd and 3rd-year students in the College of Arts and Sciences at a private university in Tokyo (n=204). We found significant differences in language study interest, English proficiency and attitudes toward globalization between students seeking international careers and those students who are oriented toward domestic careers and companies. The follow-up focus groups will be conducted in October 2022 among a subsample of 3rd year students in order to gain further insight into the impact of the pandemic on students’ attitudes toward studying and living abroad.
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