Relation between the Parents’ Origin in the Academic Achievements of Children and the Role of Machine Translation Tools in the Access to Equitable Education

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Relation between the Parents’ Origin in the Academic Achievements of Children and the Role of Machine Translation Tools in the Access to Equitable Education
Stream: Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Marie Trouvin, Keytrad SAS, France


Official studies of the French government amongst 30,000 families between 2007 and 2016 show the link between a child´s academic achievements and the origin of the parents. In France, the children born to Turkish parents are more likely to repeat grades, already at the primary school (44 %, against 25 % for the whole primary school´s pupils in France) and are 3.8 times more likely to drop off school without a diploma. Similar results are observed amongst children born to Algerian and Central African parents.
A parallel study of the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) emphasizes that 80 % of the children born to foreign parents speak the mother tongue of the parents at home at the age of 10 and half of the adults arriving in France after 25 declares having difficulties with the French language.
Linked to academic performances of the children born to foreign parents, these findings suggest that there is an urgent need to revise the equitable access to education by enabling the involvement of the families. Whereas school aims to foster integration and promotes social elevation, the ability to create a supportive climate implies that enough academic and linguistic resources are available in the family environment.
The use of machine translation tools, whose efficiency and financial affordability for schools and families constantly improve, in order for educational content to become available in the parent's mothertongue may enable families to provide the necessary support and involvement in the academic achievement of their children and may represent an answer in the access to equitable education.

Virtual Presentation

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