Title: Teaching Aviation English through Movie in a Japanese College: Utilizing Google Classroom
Stream: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Mikako Nobuhara, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, Japan
This study highlights the importance of learning English for aviation purposes among Japanese Kosen college students, who aspire to become engineers in airline companies and tend to have few opportunities. Scholars propose that these students should improve their English skills in the field of aviation if they intend to work in such companies in the future. In addition, the study intends to promote learning autonomy in homework and to facilitate strategies for English classes in the coronavirus disease 2019 era. The students learn English through textbooks and other material to understand how to answer TOEIC style questions, that is, test of English for international communication, in English lessons. In this study, three similar-sized classes were chosen with students with comparable English scores in TOEIC. An American movie, “Sally” was used for students to share their ideas using project-based learning (PBL) about communication problems between the captain and staff in a control tower. They watched the film in class and answered four questions online using free description about the accident. After answering the questions, they shared all their comments anonymously. Finally, they chose one comment and explained the reasons why it had impressed them. After all the classes, the students completed a questionnaire about the PBL activity. The results showed positive learning attitudes and that students were motivated in PBL through watching a movie as they shared ideas with other students in class, even though part of the class was delivered online.
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