Title: Development of Retention Program through Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Selected Private Teachers
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Lois Jamin Tambuyat, National University, Philippines
In recent years, school administrators have had a continuous concern about the retention of private school teachers. The Philippines is one of the countries that experience a constant turnover of teachers, especially in basic education. This mixed method study examined the factors that influence the private teachers to stay or leave private schools. To know the factors that most affect them, Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory was explored in this study. An adapted survey questionnaire was used in this study and it was accessed by 206 private teachers. Meanwhile, self-made interview questions were constructed by the researcher, and 18 private teachers were interviewed. The researcher observed a cluster sampling technique where the researcher divided the population into multiple clusters for research. The result of the survey and interview was used as a ground basis to derive a retention program for private teachers to alleviate turnover. The findings of this study were redounding to the benefit of the private school considering that a job retention program plays an important role in the private school. The greater demand for quality education in the private school justifies the need for more effective strategies to retain the teachers in the school. Therefore, private schools that apply the job retention program derived from the results of this study will be able to maintain the best and most qualified teachers in the private school.
Virtual Presentation
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