Title: Children With Disability: Need for Dignified Education Spaces
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Sukaina Ishrat, IGNOU New Delhi, India
The paper is in the context of Sustainable Development Goals-2030 with reference to need for a pro-active approach to address the issues of persons with disability. These goals pledge to 'LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND' and echo UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), duly endorsed by first ever UN Flagship Report (2018) that calls for urgent actions to be taken for achievement of SDG for persons with disability by 2030. Though most of CRPD ratifying countries have introduced specific frameworks to provide free and compulsory education to all children based on principles of inclusion, a wide range of barriers still continue, and inclusion remains a distant reality. These barriers continue to impede their active participation in education and other walks of life. Lack of basic facilities like transportation, clean drinking water units, mid-day meal areas, disability friendly toilets, appropriate classroom furniture emerged clearly visible in a number of 'accessible audits' that point out lack of expertise, coordination and general understanding of internationally accepted access standards.
The present paper has adopted qualitative research method in a semi-urban area of an educationally backward district in UP State (India) with purposive sampling in data collection and found that educational facilities for children with disabilities were inaccessible in most of the cases. The study highlights the need to sensitize all stakeholders about children’s disability issues with focus on creating more training facilities to meet the requirement for trained special educators/rehabilitation professionals to ensure dignified education spaces for children with special needs.
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