Title: Online Assessment at an ODeL Institution in the Post Pandemic Era
Stream: Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Walter "Wally" Lumadi, University of South Africa, South Africa
This abstract will address the following questions:
• What kind of challenges are experienced by students and lecturers regarding online assessment at an ODeL institution in the Post Pandemic Era?
• How can such challenges be dealt with?
The online assessment merits are multifold, especially with the unprecedented pandemic ravaging the entire world. While higher education and training institutions suddenly migrated to online teaching and learning; the major challenge was conducting and managing online assessment. Online assessment at the University of South Africa, which is an Open Distance and e-Learning institution; remains vital in this new world for all the quality that it brings. A theoretical framework for e-Learning and a qualitative method will be employed in the study. Executive Deans of four faculties and four undergraduate students from each Faculty will be purposefully sampled and interviewed. A narrative data analysis will be used to interpret different types of stories from the participants. It primarily aids in understanding how individuals, form meanings in their lives, to explain their daily workings and world. Delivering this type of online assessment might be a huge challenge to some students and lecturers. Load shedding, poor internet connectivity, inadequate IT resources are still viewed as major findings in the study. Internet connectivity is still a challenge in remote and rural areas. In the case of students who fail the first opportunity examinations, it is strongly recommended that the institution should give students the second opportunity examinations.
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