Reframing the Perspective in Teaching Science Investigatory Project in the Philippines

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Reframing the Perspective in Teaching Science Investigatory Project in the Philippines
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jas Felicisimo Cane, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Sotero Jr. Malayao, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Arnold Alguno, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Rosario Reserva, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Bernabe Linog, Department of Education, Philippines


Teaching research in the Philippines is compartmentalized based on strands such as capstone and science investigatory project. Despite the difference in nomenclature, the process of teaching and even the competencies are somewhat the same. The main discrepancy of teaching research is on asking for specific construct when students do not have the sufficient exposure. In this study, a radical move is proposed as entry skill to self-regulating practice that will scaffold the students in accomplishing science investigatory project. Unlike the prescribed sequence in the DepEd, a series of activities was designed to improve (1) science abstract dissection, and (2) science abstract writing. The entire set of activities was named immersive science investigatory project module and the exemplars used were the high school SIP that competed in the International Science and Engineering Fair. The results were extracted from experts and four-school sequential implementation for the successive improvements. Expert evaluation indicated the high acceptability of the module. Performance of respondents in four pilot schools showed improved abstract dissection accuracy and improving lexical index trend on written abstract. The respondents also displayed a very good intrinsic motivation in undertaking all the activities. It is recommended that the module be tried in several schools to further refine the implementing protocols and strategies that will eventually lead to policy recommendation on research.

Virtual Presentation

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