Title: Development of Learning Kit and Module for a Technology Design (RBT) Subject: Insights From Needs Analysis
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Muhammad Ridzuan Idris, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Irdayanti Mat Nashir, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Zainal Ariffin Ahmad, Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Malaysia
Che Ghani Che Kob, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
The electronic design process included in the Malaysian secondary school syllabus pose challenges to the teachers as it requires teaching aids to facilitate more effective understanding and practice of the process. Therefore, this study aimed to identify key elements in the development of a Technology Design (RBT ) learning kit for the electronic design topic of the RBT subject in the Malaysian secondary schools. This qualitative study used semi-structured interview protocol in conducting the needs analysis. Five teachers who were appointed as facilitators and had expertise in the field of electronics were selected via purposive sampling. The interview results were transcribed and analyzed using Atlas.ti software. Based on the needs analysis, all five respondents agreed that the subject of RBT needs teaching aids especially for the electronic design topic. They argued that existing learning kits use non-universal programming languages. Therefore, they suggested that the proposed learning kit must use open-source programming and allow easy references on the internet. Most respondents chose the Arduino type microcontroller in the production of electronic design projects because it is open-source and universal. They also suggested that TinkerCAD Circuit software be used for the sketching and simulation process before producing an electronic design project. The implications of this findings call for relevant parties including teachers, researchers and the Ministry of Education to consider that the development of teaching kits and modules for RBT learning kits for electronic design topic should be straightforward, simple to understand, and compact.
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