Title: Identity Reconstruction of Chinese International Students in Higher Education—From the Perspective of Naming Practices
Stream: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Chufan Qiu, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
This study aims to find out how Chinese international students in higher education in the UK (re)constructed their identities through choices in naming practices. The study is part of a six-month larger study using ethnographic approaches. Eight participants are from a University in Scotland. The theoretical framework used for this study include poststructuralism and transnationalism. The methods used for the study included: One to one semi-structure interviews, audio diaries and conversations. The main findings include: There is a trend that participants prefer to use Chinese names more than English names during their study in the UK. The reasons are not only related to the uniqueness of their Chinese names but also the enhanced national identity as well as pragmatic considerations. Urging to fit into the English-speaking environment is not only the reason why some participants prefer to use English names. Instead, unfavourable of one’s Chinese name, trying to set boundaries between acquaintances and non-acquaintances and safety reasons are the other possible reasons. Also, the choices of an English name not only reflect one’s preference on the desirable meaning of a certain name but also deeply connected with one’s self-imaged present or future identity. What’s more, sometimes the choices of an English name show one’s Chinese identity under the coat of an English name. Meanwhile, dynamic changes happen during the choices of naming practice (change, quit using English names, etc) which are also deeply connected with one’s identity (re)construction.
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