Title: Enhancing Students’ Cognitive Memory Using Music in the Classroom
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Muhammad Tamim Faruq Khairul 'Azmi, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Tse-Kian Neo, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Fajrul Norman Rashid, Xiamen University, Malaysia
In the current educational settings till this day, students are facing certain distractions that disrupts and reduces their learning process efficiency. These distractions also affect the students' concentration in their learning environment. Music is known to have many capabilities to become one of many solutions to help students override these distractions as sound plays a huge influential part in the ways that humans interact with their surroundings. Sound is used in so many platforms to persuade the human emotions, mostly in music, advertising, movies and television. The purpose of this research is to study how music can be used to influence the teaching and learning environment and to enhance students' cognitive memory so they can learn more efficiently.
The research design we will be using is mixed method.
It will consist of Likert scale surveys, a Quasi-experimental research design to measure the participants' attitude and performance respectively and an open-ended questionnaire to gauge the participants' feedback. The sample design that will be used in this study is convenient sampling with random selection.
The study will be performed on a cohort of private University students enrolled in Diploma of Creative Multimedia that were conveniently sampled.
Finally, the results will be analyzed with the findings discussed to confirm the conceptual framework presented in this paper.
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