Title: Problems Encountered by High School Principals in Quezon City, Philippines During the Pandemic
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Patrick Alain Tejero Azanza, Catanduanes State University, Philippines
Jane Rose Azanza, Catanduanes State University, Philippines
The school principals are the highest educational leaders tasked to directly manage the educative process amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This study surveyed high school principals in both the private and public sectors in Quezon City, Philippines to identify the main problems they encountered in managing their respective schools as they struggled to continue operating and serving the educational needs of their students. This quantitative research was conducted in School-Year 2021-2022 using a questionnaire that was pretested prior to actual administration to 30 randomly selected high school principals in Quezon City, 15 of whom were from the public high schools while the other 15 were from the private high schools. The result of the study showed the innovative and resilient approaches of the school principals in order to provide the learning requirements of the students; while managing both the challenges of the teachers and staff on one hand, and the parents on the other amidst the pandemic. The problems encountered during the pandemic by public school principals were compared to those from the private schools and showed that they were not significantly different.
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