Title: An Analysis of Demotivating Online Formative Assessment Strategies at an Open Distance Learning
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Antonia Makina, University of South Africa, South Africa
Universities have a moral obligation to ensure that students’ success in an open and distance learning (ODL) environment are enabled through high-quality student support. Online formative assessment strategies are an important element in the level of engagement needed for motivating students learning online because the way in which lecturers communicate the expectations of learning to the students largely determines how students approach assessment tasks. Motivation is both a condition for and a result of effective instruction and therefore stands as a critical factor in the design of online formative assessment strategies. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to identify online formative assessment strategies that demotivate students from participating persistently in online formative assessment in ODL universities. This study used a developmental research approach to carry out a descriptive quantitative case study involving 58 purposefully sampled students who were registered for an MEd in ODL course at an ODL university in South Africa. A thematic coding process was adopted during the analysis of students’ responses to an online google form survey. Though students differed in their choices of the assessment strategies that demotivated them in their studies, through the thematic coding process, there was however consensus on seven significant themes. The Socio-Technological perspective was used as the theoretical frameworks to drive the investigation since it encompassed all relevant aspects of the design of online learning. Demotivating online formative assessment strategies provide insight to course leaders, administrators and instructional designers attempting to build successful online learning strategies in ODL environments.
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