Title: Analysis on the Domestic and Foreign Trends of Research on Digital Literacy Based on Keyword Network Analysis
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Jinhui Bak, Seoul National University, South Korea
Sunhee Choi, Seoul National University, South Korea
Bonkwan Koo, Seoul National University, South Korea
The purpose of this study is to analyze the domestic and foreign trends of research on 'digital literacy' comparatively and derive implications. As digital literacy is an important keyword in the academic world in Korea and overseas, comparing domestic and foreign research trends can contribute to sharing the findings of research related to digital literacy and broadening the horizons of both Korean and foreign researchers. This study collected total 454 domestic research papers published from 2002 to August, 2022. Also, regarding foreign studies, collected total 437 research papers with the same conditions as those of domestic studies. Next, the collected papers were analyzed using keyword network analysis. According to the findings, the keywords appearing most frequently in Korean studies are found to be 'influence, direction, and task', and they mainly deal with the factors influencing digital literacy or discussion on educational directions and tasks for the future. In overseas studies, ‘use(ing), development, student, and learning’ appear frequently, and they mainly deal with discussion over related subjects’ ability (strategy) to use or development of skills. There are Korean studies that deal with the ability to use digital literacy; however, the discussion is mainly about the development of tools to measure digital literacy. Meanwhile, overseas studies mainly discuss strategies, learning methods to improve digital literacy. This study is meaningful in that it analyzed those differences between domestic and foreign studies comparatively and then presented the future direction and implications of digital literacy-related research in the aspects of both Korea and foreign countries.
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