Title: From Crisis to Opportunity: Using Digital Platforms to Enhance Course Design
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Joanna Kepka, University of Nevada, United States
In March of 2020, we watched the world come to a halt as Covid-19 spread around the world at a dazzling pace. In the United States, most college campuses closed in mid-March, sending their students and faculty home to carry on with the semester virtually. While forced transitions may not always bring the best outcomes for everyone, they can unleash creativity through a sudden need – an opportunity – to do something differently. Academic institutions are the incubators of creativity and innovation, but academia can also be quite slow to adapt to new and changing realities. In this paper, I argue that the Covid-19 crisis in academia presented a much-needed opportunity to rethink, reorganize, and respond to course design and delivery in new and better formats. How can we deliver virtual teaching that remains student-centered despite the physical distance? How can we improve student learning and aim for even higher engagement than in the traditional classroom? Using a seminar on Migration and Multiculturalism I taught in the Spring of 2020, this study examines a shift in my teaching due to the pandemic. Primarily, it discusses how adapting a final research project to a new virtual reality enhanced student learning experience through intercultural dialogue and increased their digital literacy.
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