Title: An Investigation of the Tasks in the Workplace, Their Relevance to the Curriculum, and Characteristics of Agile Learning
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Susan Santika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Emi Emilia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Yanty Wirza, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
This study aims to investigate the tasks performed by graduates of a Visual Communication Design (VCD) study program in the workplace, to reveal the relevance of the tasks to the curriculum of the research site and to identify the tasks that reflect the characteristics of agile learning. The research design of this study was qualitative, involving characteristics of a case study. The data were collected from samples of documents of tasks performed by the alumni in the workplace and semi-structured interviews with four employed graduates. The data were analyzed using Long's (2018) task-based needs analysis, Robinson's (2022) pedagogical task sequencing, Tyler’s curriculum development theory (Emilia, 2021), and Galés and Gallon’s (2019) characteristics of agile learning. The results of the study revealed that tasks performed by graduates include providing verbal information, juxtaposing verbal and visual information, making recommendations, solving problems, and online communication. Moreover, the tasks identified are partially relevant to the curriculum in terms of providing verbal information, juxtaposing verbal and visual information, and making recommendations. Meanwhile, the tasks related to problem-solving and online communication are not provided in the curriculum. In relation to agile characteristics, the tasks reflect the characteristics of agile learning that include change agility, mental agility, and people agility. This study recommends that the task-based needs analysis should be progressively done to give input for pedagogical tasks and curriculum development to better prepare students to be agile in performing occupational tasks.
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