Title: Life Design Counseling’s Significance to High School Students Vocational Development
Stream: Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Najia Amini, Hassan II Casablanca University, Morocco
Youssef Sefri, Hassan II Casablanca University, Morocco
Mohammed Radid, Hassan II Casablanca University, Morocco
According to educational experts and career guidance, the market and global economic forces linked to a postmodern society have led to a crisis in career development models and practices. in such an uncertain changing context students face major challenges during their career development. The life design method was employed to assist students in mindfully planning their actions and making decisions that were relevant to their personal characteristics and context. This can support students' career development engagement. Life Career Design is a constructivist and narrative model-based approach that is mainly advised to empower people and inspire them to participate in a process that has personal significance for them. Our career interventions consist of face-to-face interviews with 30 high school students. This study uses qualitative methods to offer in-depth details on this particular practice. The narratives were analyzed afterward using the content analysis technique in order to better understand students' career development needs. The findings can help students improve their capacity to anticipate their career actions and design strategies appropriate for their goals and context. This study is a component of the efforts made by improving career interventions to better prepare future citizens for participation in a knowledge-based society.
Virtual Presentation
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