Title: Learning From Events
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Ian Frank, Future University Hakodate, Japan
What can be learned from the successful production of large-scale real-world music events that is useful in the classroom? Through practical examples, this paper attempts to make some connections. We start with a short story of how the same software came to be used to deliver university-level classes on AI and also coordinate the international artists of a week-long arts festival. Next, we present a series of sections with titles drawn from the literature on events management and related fields. Each section suggests parallels to educational practice. Example themes are “Selection of resources”, “A sense of Place”, “All the Senses”, “Visual Identity”, “The Importance of Catch”, “The Engagement Curve”, “Learning from Streamers”, “Preparation is Everything”, “The Event Cycle” and “What is a Producer?” The discussion is a kind of “reflection-on-practice” linking two fields. The hope is that educators may come away with some new perspectives and concrete ideas for action. With the Corona pandemic channelling much delivery of educational content into the dimensions of a Zoom screen, recent years have presented an impetus to regard class time as a “production”, with diverse visual and audio components that can be switched and modified in real-time. Evidence of the effectiveness of teaching “produced” in this way is presented based on student feedback and evaluation of specific aspects of class delivery.
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