Title: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Information Ethics for Primary School
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Paniti Tongkum, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Dawruwan Thawinkarn, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
The purposes of this study were:1) to investigate components and indicators of Information Ethics for Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Thailand; and 2) to verify congruence between a structural relationship model and the empirical data. The sample were 840 administrators and teachers in primary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, obtained through multistage random sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire of 5 rating scale with 0.888 reliability. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics and confirmatory factor analysis to verify the correlation of the model indicating Information Ethics of Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission with the empirical data. The data were calculated with a computer statistic package using SPSS program version 28.0 and M PLUS version 7.0. The results of the study revealed that: 1) the Information Ethics of Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Thailand consisted of 5 components as follows: (1) Information Privacy with three indicators (2) Information Accuracy with three indicators (3) Information Property with three indicators (4) Access to information with three indicators, and (5) Information Security with four indicators.2) The model indicating Information Ethics of Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Thailand was consistent with the empirical data with χ2 = 90.257, P-Value = 0.0521, Df = 70, RMSEA = 0.026, SRMR= 0.030, CFI = 0.996, and TLI = 0.993.
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