Title: Catch Them in Situ: Exploring Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understanding of Indigenous Knowledge Integration in a South African University
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Webster Kwangwari, Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Kudakwashe Mamutse, Stadio School of Education, South Africa
Higher education institutions in South Africa are in the midst of a student-driven revolution of curriculum decolonisation through the introduction of indigenous knowledge (IK) in higher education. This design-based qualitative study used individual and group interviews to explore the understandings and experience of pre-service Life Science teachers regarding IK integration during their training and their teaching of Life Sciences. The long-term goal is to find ways to integrate IK during teacher training in order for these pre-service Life Science teachers to integrate IK into their teaching when they qualify as teachers. The findings revealed that the curriculum does not include IK and that they get the impression that the institution considers IK as inferior and not worthy of inclusion in the curriculum. The study concluded that IK should be integrated into the curriculum as a subject at primary and secondary school level, and as a module at higher education level.
Virtual Presentation
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