Enhancing Learning of Complex Science Topics and Improving Motivational Level Using Gamification Techniques in High School Biology Courses

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022)
Title: Enhancing Learning of Complex Science Topics and Improving Motivational Level Using Gamification Techniques in High School Biology Courses
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Jose Garza-Martinez, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico


In the last decade, the importance of learning and teaching biology has risen. However, students perceived complicated learning biology, particularly on topics like molecular biology, endocrines, and cellular growth. Gamification has proven its effectiveness in reinforcing the students' involvement in scientific activities and learning science. This study aims to enhance the significant learning of complex biology topics according to students' appreciation and motivation towards the subject in a high school course using gamification. A gamification activity focusing on one of those topics, molecular biology, was designed and implemented into the course. A post-test-only control group design was employed with 123 students. There were two experimental groups (62 students) and two control groups (61 students). After performing the activity, all the groups had a knowledge test with molecular biology questions. Additionally, the experimental groups answered a numerical Likert scale questionnaire on their motivation for learning the topic and appreciation of the activity. In the knowledge test, the experimental groups obtained 84.516 as average in the molecular biology section, while the control groups had 55.191. There was a significant statistical difference between the groups with a P <0.05. In the questionnaire, 83.87% of the students strongly agreed that the activity was appropriate and dynamic, and 70.96% said it helped them learn molecular biology. The results confirm that using gamification activities properly in high school biology courses is a good approach for enhancing students' comprehension of complex topics and improving their interest in them.

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