Title: Physics Olympics: An Innovative Platform of Performance Task to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Learning
Stream: Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Fredyrose Ivan Pinar, De La Salle University, Philippines
Sotero Malayao, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Lydia Roleda, De La Salle University, Philippines
The study was an offshoot of the search for meaningful performance tasks that combined existing learning paradigms. Its objective was to observe in one setting multi-faceted approaches. It involved grade levels 7 to 12 and each year level was divided into four houses as multi-level scale of competing teams. Activities were designed for each level with winners per grade level and overall winners. The activities showcased design thinking process as well as problem-based learning (PBL) that were strongly situated in Kolb’s experiential learning theory. Data gleaned from questionnaires Activity Perception as well as Physics Motivation, quality of group outputs, and evaluation of task sheets and interdisciplinary lesson plans provided the quantitative data for the study. Interviews and observer feedback of the Olympics served as the source of qualitative data were analyzed thematically based on response transcriptions. Results showed evident student engagement in the Olympics and heightened development of 21st-century skills were manifested across grade levels. The Physics Olympics showed that it can mobilize student energy and enthusiasm, reinforce content and skills the learners acquired in multitude of setting such as before the formal classroom and within the formal classroom. The overall Physics Olympics successfully elucidated enhanced students’ conceptual understanding and motivation towards physics learning.
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