Title: The Mediating Role of Emotional Stability Between Critical Thinking Disposition and Self-knowledge Among Management Students
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Lara Priyadharshini S, G R Damodaran Academy of Management, India
Savitha S, G R Damodaran Academy of Management, India
This study aims to examine the mediating role of emotional stability between critical thinking disposition (Critical openness & Reflective Skepticism) and self-knowledge of the students in a private management institution, in India. A questionnaire survey method was employed to collect data from 384 students enrolled in the management course. SPSS and AMOS software was used to perform data analysis, and the hypotheses were tested using confirmatory factor analysis and structured equation modeling. The results revealed a significant indirect effect of the impact of critical openness (0.108, ƿ=0.001), reflective skepticism (0.063, ƿ=0.001) on self-knowledge was positive and significant. Furthermore, (a) the direct effect of critical openness on self-knowledge in presence of the mediator was also found significant (0.122, ƿ=0.000). Hence, emotional stability partially mediated the relationship between critical openness and self-knowledge. (b) The direct effect of reflective skepticism in presence of the mediator was found insignificant (-0.006. ƿ=0.855). Hence, emotional stability fully mediated the relationship between reflective skepticism and self-knowledge. The study highlights the missing link between academia and industry in the management educational context. Hence, it has practical implications for management students in really pursuing critical thinking disposition, emotional stability, and self-knowledge to get the industry to connect.
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