Title: The Approach to Utilise Recycled Plastic as Printing Matrix Material in Traditional Printmaking Design Studio Class
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Ploy Nikadanont, Mahidol University International College, Thailand
According to research published in “Environmental International” in early 2022, the majority of micro-plastic particles found in human blood are PET and polystyrene, which are commonly used in beverage containers and food packing. For the last 2 years with the pandemic, the numbers of plastic waste, especially signer-use plastics, from the food delivery industry in Thailand has rapidly increased. Therefore, the aim of this study is to search for the approach of how to utilise recycled material, especially plastics, from food and beverage containers as a material in design studio class, traditional printmaking. The search started with a series of experimental methods and techniques by an instructor to find the appropriate ways to integrate the material in the studio class. One of the experimental projects was the project called “Monster of the sea” in which the instructor was using beverage containers that consist of aluminium foil as printing plates for the Intaglio process. The instructor went on to explore more possibilities of using other types of beverage containers and food packaging as matrix and/or plate in traditional printmaking. As a result, the appropriate list of types of plastics and packaging matching with the printing methods and techniques were identified by the instructor. Then, the methods and techniques were integrated into the printmaking studio class according to the study plan, 12 weeks, projects, and design process arrangements. The usage and the creation process by students were documented at the end of the class for the evaluation and improvement.
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